When it comes to choosing where your beloved furry friend will spend their time away from home, it’s not just a decision—it’s a responsibility. As dog lovers ourselves, we understand that your dog is more than just a pet; they’re a cherished member of your family. So when you’re planning a holiday, it’s only natural to want the best for them too.

A Home Away From Home—Just for Your Dog

At Hartwell Dog Boarding & Daycare, we’re proud to offer a unique service that sets us apart from the traditional kennel experience. We’re a family-run, home-based business licensed for up to two dogs at a time. But here’s the twist: We only look after one family’s dogs at a time. That means when your dog stays with us, they’re not just another guest—they’re part of our pack.

This exclusive approach allows us to spend quality time with your dog, treating them as if they were our own. From the moment they arrive, they become an integral part of our daily life. We mimic their home environment as closely as possible, ensuring that their routine isn’t disrupted just because you’re away. Does your dog sleep on your bed? Well, they’ll be snuggled up with us too! Used to four walks a day? We’re on it!

We believe in providing a seamless transition from your home to ours, making sure your dog feels safe, loved, and comfortable at all times. Our large, dog-safe garden is perfect for playtime, and let’s not forget the all-important sofa cuddles—because what’s a holiday without a bit of relaxation?

The Kennel vs. Home Boarding Debate

Choosing between a kennel and home boarding is a bit like comparing apples to oranges. Sure, both can keep your dog safe, but the experiences they offer are worlds apart. Kennels often have multiple dogs from different households, which can be overwhelming for some pups. The noise, the new smells, the unfamiliar faces—it can be a lot to handle.

But at Hartwell, your dog is the star of the show. There’s no need to worry about them being mixed with other dogs from different households. This not only reduces stress but also ensures that we can focus entirely on making your dog’s stay as enjoyable as possible. We love nothing more than engaging in their favorite activities, whether that’s a good game of fetch, a leisurely stroll through Salcey Forest, or simply lounging on the sofa.

Tailored Care, Just Like Home

We understand that every dog is unique, with their own quirks and preferences. That’s why we tailor our care to match their home life. Whether your dog loves a rigorous game of tug or prefers gentle belly rubs, we’re here to provide exactly what they need. We also keep a close eye on their health, ensuring they’re happy and healthy throughout their stay.

For us, it’s not just about keeping your dog safe—it’s about making sure they have a blast while you’re away. Our approach to dog boarding is all about comfort, care, and companionship. We want your dog to feel like they’re on holiday too, with plenty of playtime, treats, and, of course, those all-important sofa snuggles.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Holiday Destination

Choosing the right place for your dog to stay is, in many ways, more important than picking your own holiday destination. After all, if your holiday doesn’t go as planned, you can make adjustments or even cut it short. But your dog can’t do that. They rely on you to make the best choice for them.

Imagine being stuck in a place that’s loud, unfamiliar, and just plain uncomfortable. It’s not a situation any of us would want to be in, and it’s certainly not one we want for our dogs. That’s why we’re committed to providing a stress-free, enjoyable experience for every dog that stays with us.

Why Hartwell Dog Boarding & Daycare?

At the end of the day, what we offer is more than just a service—it’s peace of mind. When your dog stays with us, you can rest easy knowing they’re being cared for in a loving, safe, and familiar environment. We’re not just dog sitters; we’re dog lovers who understand the importance of treating each dog as an individual.

So, when you’re planning your next holiday, why not give your dog the best holiday too? At Hartwell Dog Boarding & Daycare, we’re here to ensure that your dog’s time away from home is filled with love, fun, and plenty of cuddles. After all, they deserve it just as much as you do!