I mentioned yesterday that this year we have had the amazing privilege of welcoming 30 different doggies into our home from as little as half a day, up to 32 days. 

It also means we have met and built relationships with over 30 different pet parents! We have met people from all walks of life, from young to old and everything in between. 

Each of these pet parents was allowed to have what we call a ‘Meet & Greet’ 

A Meet & Greet is where they visit our home with their pup to meet us and see where their beloved pet would be staying. 

This is something we do insist on and most owners do take us up on it. 

But why is it important? 

Firstly it means the humans get to meet. Dogs are, by all accounts, a member of the family so who looks after them is important. This gives us all a chance to have a good chinwag, answer any burning questions… and more importantly make sure that you like us and feel comfortable (and we like you, it does go both ways!). 

It also allows your dog to be introduced to a brand new environment, with different sniffs and smells than it is used to. Your pup can run around, explore and get used to our home while we humans do our Q&A. 

When your dog is then ready and has calmed from the initial excitement we can start to build a relationship with them – on their terms – and hopefully lead to some fuss, love and treats. 

Because of all this, when your dog is then dropped to us for their holiday our home environment isn’t a shock. They recognise it. They recognise us. We find just by having this Meet & Greet that dogs settle much, much faster and with way less issues. It becomes a far less stressful experience for them – which is ideal! 

After all, it is their holiday too and they deserve it to be stress-free!! Regardless of if you want to use us or not… if a company offers a Meet & Greet of any kind I 100% recommend to take it. 

See you tomorrow, 
