What would you prefer…

One to One or One to Twenty-Five?

Okay, okay, you need more information – I get it! 

When your dog comes and stays with us for their holiday, they have access to us all day – every day – without fail. 

If they are left home alone it is never longer than 3 hours (our licence prohibits it), but they still have the run of the house – like they would if they were at home with you. 

This means they have one-to-one, or two-to-one care all the time… so they get a LOT of attention and fuss. 

As I write this, today’s dog is warming my side while the silence is broken up with her little snores. 


The licence for a Dog Kennel is vastly different. At a kennel, there has to be a minimum of one member of staff per 25 dogs. This means at full capacity your pet is sharing a human with another 24 dogs. 

Now, I am not for one moment saying your dog wouldn’t be well looked after and cared for in a Kennel. What I am saying is when we welcome a dog into our home, we invite them to be part of the family. 

They can eat with us. 

Sleep next to us. 

Play with us. 

Walk with us. 

Even relax with us. 

They can have space when they want space, and attention when they want attention. 

They can watch the world go by from the sofa, or endlessly frolic in the garden til the sun goes down. 

They have our complete attention. 

It’s one of the main reasons we get so many return visitors!