About us

We first opened our doors as a Doggy Hotel in late 2022 as a way to earn a few more pennies to go towards our Wedding. Since then we have welcomed more four-legged friends into our home than we could ever have imagined!

Labradors, Mastiffs, Dachshunds, Spaniels, Rotweilers, Terriers, Aikitas, and so many more! <!– WGCCxxx –> 

About us

Hello! My names Sean and with the help of my wife, Becky, we fell into becoming a Dog Hotel.  

Our first visitor, Ziggy, is where it all started. She transformed our lives and we reaslied just how much we love not only helping you, the owners, when you’re in need… but also how much we love having a dog in the house. 

Because of this love we decided to do it all properly… and shortly after we were awarded a Level 3 OFQUAL Qualification as well as a 4* Licence from West Northants County Council (The highest we can earn in our first year of business). 

We have gone from strength to strength, having many return clients as well as bookings over a year in advance. Truth is, we only do this on the side – we both have full time jobs, however I have the privlidge of working from home which means I get the constant companionship of a dog, and I love it.

Over the next few years we intend on gaining more Ofqual qualifications as well as learning more about Canine Behaviour and training. 



Enquire Today to Book Your Dogs Next Walk!