Dog Kennels or Holiday Home? 

Choosing where your dog goes is an important decision. 

It has to be right if you ask me. 

Somewhere with people you trust, in an environment that they love and makes them comfortable. 

After all, your pooch is a much-loved and vital family member. They deserve a stunning holiday just like you, with all the activities that make them happ! 

Plenty of walkies 

Fetch, chase, tug, rough-housing

Treats, treats and treats! 

Snoozing…(As I write this I am sharing the sofa with a stunning labrador who keeps kicking my mouse while he dreams – ah, the troubles I face!)…

Mental stimulation games

Hugs, kisses, fuss

And more! 

You could argue that choosing their holiday destination is more important than picking your own. We all know if you go on a bad holiday, there’s a lot you can do to make it better in the moment. 

You could change hotels, adapt plans, or if the worst happens even come home early. 

But if your dog has a bad experience? They are stuck, they can’t ask for help and they can’t just go home. Instead, they have to exist in what could be an immensely stressful situation with no way of letting you know they don’t like it! 

Yep, choosing their holiday destination really is more important than picking your own. 

Over the next week pre-Christmas, I am going to compare apples to oranges and take a (probably biased) look at the difference between what we offer here at Hartwell Dog Boarding & Daycare compared to enrolling your dog into a kennel.