We often get asked how we get new dogs to settle so quickly when they first arrive for their holiday with us. 

I wrote yesterday about the Meet & Greet, that helps massively. 

It also helps to have a very calm and relaxed home environment, making it as stress-free as possible. 

But the secret sauce? 

A good old-fashioned walk. 

Getting the leash out, and taking your pup for an adventure around our local area I find is the best way to build a powerful relationship, quickly. 

By having this adventure I get to learn a lot about your dog, and your dog gets to learn a lot about me. We can practise some leash-based obedience, do some treat work, and have some fun.

Then, by the time we get home not only are they tired but they look up to us for leadership, guidance and direction – helping them to settle beautifully. 

It’s never failed! 

A settled dog, is a happy dog and a happy dog makes happy owners!