Here at Hartwell Dog Boarding & Day Care we take your dogs safety as one of our top priorities. It’s why we make great use of stair gates, have a two door rule at the front door, have a secure garden and even an internal camera…

…but it’s also why we invested into PitPatPet. 

You see, there isn’t much that keeps me awake at night. My head hits the pillow and I am out! But… the thought of losing someone’s dog? That could keep me up for weeks at a time! 

While it’s never happened to us (and we hope it never does) we want to minimise the risk to as little as possible. It’s a phone call I never want to have to make to a dog owner!

This is why we picked up a number of PitPatPets GPS Trackers. This way, if one of our doggy hotel guests decides to go on an adventure alone… we can turn on the app, track their location, and go pick them up.

Peaked your interest? I hope so! Read on to learn more. 

1 – GPS Tracker

As already mentioned above, the PitPatPet is a GPS Tracker so we can track any dog (or person!) who has it on them. As long as the dog is outside, and not under dense cover, the tracker will use satalites to send the location back to PitPatPet HQ who will then push it to our app. 

2 – Activity Monitor

Alongside the powerful GPS Tracker, it also acts as an Activity Monitor. This means we can make sure your dog gets adequate exercise while they stay with us. Getting in those 10,000-doggy-steps per day! You can see how many minutes they spend running, walking, playing, pottering about and resting – including how many miles they travel and how many calories they burn. 

Pretty cool stuff!  

3 – Share the Love

PitPatPet gives you a handy mobile app where you can track all things dog. But, the best thing… it doesn’t just have to be your app. Your dog can be loaded onto as many phones as you want. Yours, your partners, the kids, your dog walker… everyone can get involved!

For us it means we can share the codes with dog owners to they can check in on their dog while they are away. 


4 – The Cost

There are numerous GPS trackers out there in the UK that you can choose; so why PitPatPet? 

PitPatPet are the only company I came across who have a flat fee; £149 – and that is it. No ongoing subscription costs! 

Most trackers are initially far cheaper but then you are tied into an ongoing monthly payment. 

For example, another brand of GPS Tracker is only £45 but to keep using them you have to pay £12 per month. Cheaper than Netflix, I agree! But over the course of a dogs life those numbers add up. 

As the average life expectancy of a dog in the UK is 14 years a tracker could cost you up to £2,352… a huge difference from the £149 PitPat fee! 

Keen to learn more?

We find PitPatPet GPS Trackers to be a HUGE addition to what we offer, and the peace of mind it gives is second to none. If you do want to learn more then please click the button below.

If you do want to buy your own then we can help save you 15% with the code…


We do make £5 per sale as a thank you for referring you – but we don’t do it for that, we genuinly believe what they offer makes a difference.